Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Gearing up, Grinding down

I find the first few minutes in my chair will often reveal the sort of day I'm about to have.  If the customers are well-behaved in the first half-hour, they'll generally remain so for the day.  Today is looking good, so I'm hoping to write 500 words in between my other responsibilities.  My goal for the month is 5K, and that's a stretch given my habits lately. 

In case you didn't hear me say it OUT LOUD, I'm finishing this draft by March 31st.  So feel free to lob me a right hook if you see me slacking and making excuses for myself!  (Dani, you especially.  Nobody can tell folks off like you.)


Danica-Dragonfly said...

The more things change ... the more they stay the same, eh?

The fact that you have made this much of commitment to follow your bliss leaves me in awe ... how about just a gentle nudge here and there?

Cindy said...

A gentle nudge? Tell you what - if you can nudge me with a fraction of the creativity you use while reaming your boss, go for it!

BTW, I did not write my 500 yesterday...

Danica-Dragonfly said...